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De AnimalZooFrance
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2 00:01:38,556 --> 00:01:40,266 De retour de Virginie

3 00:01:40,392 --> 00:01:42,602 Je viens d'un milieu, vous savez vraiment rural, de mineurs

4 00:01:44,771 --> 00:01:47,565 Vous n'avez pas eu beaucoup d'éducation culturelle.

5 00:01:50,026 --> 00:01:55,156 C'était une vie simple et tranquille, mais vous n'avez rien à découvrir.

6 00:02:01,579 --> 00:02:03,707 Lorsqu'une chose comme Internet débarque,

7 00:02:03,790 --> 00:02:06,793 ça change beaucoup de choses et ouvre d'autres horizons.

8 00:02:11,006 --> 00:02:14,259 Si vous ne pouvez pas vous déplacer, vous pouvez au moins voir ou lire.

9 00:02:14,342 --> 00:02:18,596 Hey! Hey! J'ai besoin du téléphone

10 00:02:18,680 --> 00:02:21,933 C'était juste... des perspectives différentes et...

11 00:02:22,058 --> 00:02:23,810 Et de gigantesques points de vue différents sur la vie.

14 00:02:31,568 --> 00:02:34,529 Après avoir parlé pendant des années avec des gens online,

15 00:02:34,612 --> 00:02:37,949 il y en avait certains qui m'aidèrent, me disant,

16 00:02:38,033 --> 00:02:41,745 "Pourquoi est ce que tu ne change pas de vie ? Il y aurait plus d'opportunités pour toi."

19 00:02:52,213 --> 00:02:54,966 Ils ont décidé de m'envoyer un peu d'argent...

20 00:02:59,220 --> 00:03:02,432 Et ils ont juste dit "bouge".

22 00:03:07,395 --> 00:03:12,442 J'exultais, mais j'étais également terrifié.

24 00:03:20,325 --> 00:03:22,869 Maman, je pars pour quelques temps.

25 00:03:25,080 --> 00:03:27,999 Je me prépare pour aller, heu, dans l'état de Washington.

26 00:03:30,669 --> 00:03:32,504 J'ai vu que ça la contrariait,

27 00:03:32,629 --> 00:03:34,464 que je parte si loin.

28 00:03:36,591 --> 00:03:38,551 Mais en même temps, elle m'épaulait.

30 00:03:50,605 --> 00:03:53,149 Le premier appel eut lieu dans l'après midi.

31 00:03:55,860 --> 00:03:57,237 Je m'en souviens très bien.

32 00:03:59,864 --> 00:04:02,075 Ca paraissait si...

33 00:04:02,200 --> 00:04:05,161 Etrange d'avoir ce genre d'appel ce jour là.

34 00:04:09,207 --> 00:04:11,626 Nous n'avons pas beaucoup de soleil ici dans le Nord Ouest Pacfique...

35 00:04:13,461 --> 00:04:16,214 Donc vous le remarquez quand il y a une belle journée ensoleillée.

36 00:04:18,758 --> 00:04:20,218 Ca vous met de bonne humeur.

37 00:04:22,887 --> 00:04:25,098 Et cet appel m'a particulièrement miss de mauvaise humeur.

38 00:04:30,854 --> 00:04:34,858 Donc, à un moment, j'ai dis "est ce un cas de bestialité ?"

39 00:04:34,983 --> 00:04:37,610 C'est ce que vous essayez de me dire ?

40 00:04:37,736 --> 00:04:39,863 Et il a dit "oui".

41 00:04:39,946 --> 00:04:43,658 J'ai alors répondu, "alors pourquoi avez vous besoin de nous ?"

44 00:04:54,169 --> 00:04:58,673 Coyote: Avant même d'apréhender la notion de zoo,

45 00:04:58,757 --> 00:05:01,509 j'avais l'impression que je ne connaitrais jamais

46 00:05:01,593 --> 00:05:03,470 une vie de famille typique.

47 00:05:08,183 --> 00:05:11,102 Je n'ai pas besoin de beaucoup d'intéractions émotionnelles...

48 00:05:13,104 --> 00:05:15,273 Que ce soit avec des êtres humains ou autre.

49 00:05:19,277 --> 00:05:21,321 Je suis normal, je pense.

50 00:05:26,284 --> 00:05:30,538 Vous pourriez poser la question à trois zoos et vous obtiendrez trois définitions différentes.

51 00:05:32,832 --> 00:05:38,004 Je crois que leur point commun serait d'avoir plus d'affinités

52 00:05:38,129 --> 00:05:41,925 avec des animaux qu'avez des personnes de leur espèce.

53 00:05:45,178 --> 00:05:47,555 Mais en même temps, ceci n'exclus pas

54 00:05:47,639 --> 00:05:50,934 d'avoir des émotions envers des collègues ou amis.

55 00:06:01,486 --> 00:06:01,736 Nous avons parlé à peu de monde

56 00:06:03,655 --> 00:06:06,616 à travers le monde via internet.

57 00:06:08,827 --> 00:06:11,329 Malheuresement, la pluspart des gens

58 00:06:11,413 --> 00:06:13,873 qui faisaient parti de notre groupe étaient blancs.

59 00:06:15,792 --> 00:06:18,294 Mais nous avons eut d'autres amis qui étaient noirs.

60 00:06:20,338 --> 00:06:23,842 Il y avait un Hispanique qui nous a rendu visite une fois.

61 00:06:26,678 --> 00:06:28,179 En fait, à plusieurs reprises.

62 00:06:34,477 --> 00:06:37,856 Je parlais à des gens de Pologne, d'Allemagne, du Japon.

63 00:06:40,233 --> 00:06:43,528 J'ai même parlé à des soldats qui étaient en Iraq.

64 00:06:47,741 --> 00:06:50,076 Ca leur permettait d'avoir un lien

65 00:06:50,201 --> 00:06:53,163 avec leur terre natale qu'il savaient si loin.

66 00:06:56,374 --> 00:06:59,044 Même si c'est la même terre qui les a envoyés là bas.

67 00:06:59,169 --> 00:07:01,546 pour survivre dans ce pays.

69 00:07:13,224 --> 00:07:17,354 Je travaille pour la même personne depuis l'âge de 23 ans.

70 00:07:19,439 --> 00:07:21,441 C'est un membre de l'Association Nationale pour les Chevaux.

71 00:07:23,068 --> 00:07:25,236 Il avait quelques Arabes de très bonne qualité.

72 00:07:33,453 --> 00:07:34,746 J'étais palfrenier.

73 00:07:36,206 --> 00:07:37,624 J'étais bien payé.

74 00:07:39,876 --> 00:07:41,169 Je nettoyais les stalles.

75 00:07:43,338 --> 00:07:44,964 Sont tracteur serait tombé en panne ou...

76 00:07:45,090 --> 00:07:47,634 Le système d'épandage aurait cassé ou quelque chose comme ça.

77 00:07:57,769 --> 00:07:59,145 Il n'était jamais là.

78 00:07:59,270 --> 00:08:02,315 Il allait et venait de la cote ouest à la cote est,

79 00:08:02,440 --> 00:08:04,192 où il y construisait une nouvellemaison et un nouveau ranch.

80 00:08:04,275 --> 00:08:07,278 Si tu pouvais récupérer tout le courrier pour le mettre là, ça serait gentil.

81 00:08:07,362 --> 00:08:08,571 Aussi garder les chevaux...

82 00:08:08,655 --> 00:08:11,741 H: Ils étaient mes "amis" depuis une vingtaine d'années.

83 00:08:11,825 --> 00:08:15,245 S'il y a autre chose, nos portables seront allumés, donc...

84 00:08:15,328 --> 00:08:16,913 H: Lorsque les choses ont dérapées,

85 00:08:16,996 --> 00:08:20,792 la dernière chose qu'il m'ait dit, il m'a dit que j'étais une personne très mauvaise.

86 00:08:22,961 --> 00:08:25,588 Nous étions amis depuis toutes ces années et tout d'un coup je ne suis plus bon

87 00:08:25,672 --> 00:08:27,549 juste parcque j'aime les chevaux?

89 00:08:32,929 --> 00:08:36,766 Coyote: En bus, je passais beaucoup de temps à réfléchir.

90 00:08:39,602 --> 00:08:41,271 Pourquoi suis je comme ça ?

91 00:08:44,065 --> 00:08:45,942 Il doit y avoir une raison.

92 00:08:48,987 --> 00:08:50,822 Ca, je ne le sais toujours pas.

93 00:08:55,827 --> 00:09:01,249 Essayant de mettre en balance la religion et le fait d'être zoo...

94 00:09:04,252 --> 00:09:06,171 La foi en concerne une grande partie.

95 00:09:08,590 --> 00:09:11,885 J'ai grandis parmis les Baptiste dans une maison assez religieuse...

96 00:09:15,305 --> 00:09:17,307 Je crois sincèrement en certaines choses.

97 00:09:21,269 --> 00:09:23,021 Dieu ne déteste personne.

98 00:09:26,649 --> 00:09:28,735 Tu traite bien tes collègues.

99 00:09:30,362 --> 00:09:32,197 Tu ne fais de mal à personne.

100 00:09:34,032 --> 00:09:36,076 Et dans la pluspart des cas, tu ... Tout ira bien pour toi.

101 00:09:58,473 --> 00:10:00,892 J'ai toujours considéré mes animaux comme faisant parti de ma famille.

102 00:10:03,603 --> 00:10:05,063 Ils mangeaient avant moi.

103 00:10:09,693 --> 00:10:11,695 Regardez les vidéos qu'ils ont pris des chevaux.

104 00:10:14,030 --> 00:10:15,782 Est ce qu'ils paraissent négligés ?

105 00:10:17,909 --> 00:10:19,369 Non.

106 00:10:24,499 --> 00:10:26,751 C'est l'amour des animaux.

107 00:10:26,835 --> 00:10:28,378 C'est ça la zoophilie.

108 00:10:30,755 --> 00:10:34,926 C'est comme aimer sa femme ou ses enfants. C'est la même chose.

109 00:10:38,179 --> 00:10:41,933 Je prend plus soin de mes animaux que je l'ai jamais fais pour moi même. Regardez moi.

110 00:10:42,017 --> 00:10:44,561 Je... C'est moi, bientôt 53 ans.

111 00:10:58,783 --> 00:11:01,619 Jenny: Lorsque j'ai eu une attaque suite à un cancer

112 00:11:01,703 --> 00:11:04,748 et que je me suis sentie vraiment, vraiment mal,

113 00:11:04,831 --> 00:11:07,876 Je descendais et passais du temps avec mon cheval la pluspart des nuits.

114 00:11:10,378 --> 00:11:12,547 C'est just un grand sentiment de réconfort.

115 00:11:14,174 --> 00:11:16,634 Ils font ce genre de "petites mimics".

116 00:11:16,760 --> 00:11:18,636 Et ils savent que vous êtes là.

117 00:11:20,138 --> 00:11:23,350 Et le temps passe si vite.

118 00:11:23,475 --> 00:11:26,227 La nuit est passée avant même que vous vous en aperceviez.

119 00:11:29,981 --> 00:11:32,734 Il m'arrivait de ne descendre que pour l'enlacer.

120 00:11:34,486 --> 00:11:36,279 C'était ma force vitale.

121 00:11:36,363 --> 00:11:37,947 Elle était mes jambes.

122 00:11:38,031 --> 00:11:40,617 Elle était mon coeur qui ne batterait jamais comme il faudrait,

123 00:11:40,700 --> 00:11:45,705 et je pouvais juste pleurer, parler et l'enlacer.

124 00:11:47,123 --> 00:11:49,668 C'était exactement ce dont j'avais besoin à ce moment là.

125 00:11:55,965 --> 00:11:58,468 Tu vois, j'ai grandi dans une ville. Je suis un citaden.

126 00:11:58,593 --> 00:12:00,387 Et j'ai toujours voulu être un fermier.

127 00:12:03,473 --> 00:12:06,017 He bien, le travail m'a donné ce que je voulais.

128 00:12:08,687 --> 00:12:12,148 Comme je le disais, j'ai commencé à l'âte de 16 ans, juste après le décès de ma mère.

129 00:12:14,984 --> 00:12:18,780 Pour une quelconque raison, c'est arrivé un jour, et j'ai apprécié.

130 00:12:21,783 --> 00:12:25,537 Je ne savais même pas que c'était de la zoophilie avant d'aller sur internet.

131 00:12:28,748 --> 00:12:31,584 Je suis présent sur internet depuis 2002.

132 00:12:34,254 --> 00:12:35,839 C'était la toute première fois, même.

133 00:12:38,758 --> 00:12:40,468 J'ai débuté avec AOL.

134 00:12:45,140 --> 00:12:47,642 C'était vraiment intéressant de rencontrer toutes ces personnes différentes.

135 00:12:52,313 --> 00:12:54,315 Et aujourd'hui encore, ce sont toujours mes amis.

136 00:12:58,570 --> 00:13:00,488 Il n'y avait jamais d'histoire d'argent.

137 00:13:00,572 --> 00:13:02,115 - Hey, quoi de neuf, collègue ? - Hey, salut.

138 00:13:02,240 --> 00:13:04,367 - Comment ça va? - Tout va bien. Comment vont tes gars?

139 00:13:04,492 --> 00:13:05,952 Il y avait des gens qui m'offraient de l'argent.

140 00:13:06,077 --> 00:13:07,620 Oh, je me rend juste dans le pays pour un moment.

141 00:13:07,746 --> 00:13:09,414 Tu devrais aller à Pioneer Square. Ca va être dingue, mec.

142 00:13:09,539 --> 00:13:11,916 - Oh, peut être. La prochaine fois, ok ? - Prend soin de toi.

143 00:13:12,000 --> 00:13:13,418 Non, je n'aurais jamais accepté d'argent de quiconque,

144 00:13:13,501 --> 00:13:14,919 parcque qu'alors, ça aurait été de la prostitution.

145 00:13:15,045 --> 00:13:16,212 C'est interdit par la loi.

147 00:13:24,346 --> 00:13:28,391 Je savais que la bestialité n'était pas illégale dans l'état de Washington.

148 00:13:32,062 --> 00:13:34,105 La pluspart du temps, ils veulent juste venir et voir.

149 00:13:36,524 --> 00:13:39,069 "Nous voulons voir si c'est possible."

151 00:13:43,573 --> 00:13:47,660 "Peut être que je veux juste chopper un cheval par ses couilles

152 00:13:47,786 --> 00:13:49,120 et sentir ses boules. Comment sont elles ?"

153 00:13:49,245 --> 00:13:51,164 "Elles sont, bien, elles... sont chaudes."

154 00:13:56,294 --> 00:13:58,880 Le cheval demeure la plus grande chose demandée sur internet.

155 00:14:05,136 --> 00:14:07,180 Je les invitais chez moi, vous savez,

156 00:14:07,305 --> 00:14:10,016 et je les considérais comme n'importe quel autre habitant de cette maison.

157 00:14:12,936 --> 00:14:14,938 Je faisais des barbecues en été.

158 00:14:16,147 --> 00:14:17,232 Thanksgiving.

159 00:14:18,358 --> 00:14:19,693 J'ai fais des repas pour Noel.

160 00:14:21,361 --> 00:14:23,697 Une année, nous avions fait une dinde et un jambon.

161 00:14:33,373 --> 00:14:36,793 Les invitations se faisaient le week end et en soirées.

164 00:14:53,977 --> 00:14:54,936 Allo?

165 00:14:55,020 --> 00:14:56,354 Hey, nous sommes là.

166 00:14:56,438 --> 00:14:57,522 Bien, comment s'est passé le voyage ?

167 00:14:57,647 --> 00:15:00,358 Le trajet était long, mais ça va. Maintenant, nous allons...

168 00:15:00,483 --> 00:15:02,652 Une nuit, nous nous sommes rencontrés.

169 00:15:02,736 --> 00:15:07,699 et si je sentais que c'était okay pour que vous veniez, et vous aurais laissé me suivre à la maison.

170 00:15:15,540 --> 00:15:18,335 Si je sentais qu'il y avait un truc chez vous qui clochait,

171 00:15:18,418 --> 00:15:20,337 J'aurais dis, "bon, on se reverra",

172 00:15:20,420 --> 00:15:22,213 et je ne l'ai recontactais plus.

173 00:15:28,219 --> 00:15:32,766 "Ca va pas le faire. Désolé."

174 00:15:38,229 --> 00:15:41,649 Quand j'ai rencontré Mr. Hands, nous avions peut parlé au téléphone.

175 00:15:44,069 --> 00:15:46,154 Et c'était quand il vivait à Seattle.

177 00:16:13,056 --> 00:16:18,770 Il était simplement curieux, comme tout le monde.

178 00:16:18,853 --> 00:16:22,899 Et il avait une bonne personnalité. Donc je l'ai invité à venir.

179 00:16:26,861 --> 00:16:29,280 J'étais juste étonné par la beauté.

180 00:16:30,865 --> 00:16:37,080 Vous avez ce coté sauvage, mais aussi ce coté citadin.

181 00:16:37,163 --> 00:16:39,499 Ils sont juste liés ensemble.

182 00:16:44,754 --> 00:16:46,423 Nous, les Hommes, sommes si conditionnés

183 00:16:46,548 --> 00:16:49,926 depuis notre naissance à tout catégoriser.

184 00:16:53,013 --> 00:16:59,978 Et même si c'est inconscients,

185 00:17:00,103 --> 00:17:03,148 nous commençon à catégoriser.

186 00:17:03,273 --> 00:17:04,899 Les animaux ne fonctionne pas comme ça.

187 00:17:04,983 --> 00:17:06,985 "Nous allons attérir à Seattle dans..."

188 00:17:07,068 --> 00:17:09,612 Vous êtes soit une bonne, soit une mauvaise personne.

189 00:17:12,032 --> 00:17:14,034 ...La plus grande de toutes les compagnies de munitions,

190 00:17:14,159 --> 00:17:17,996 la Lockheed Martin Corporation, a joué un rôle important en arrière plan

191 00:17:18,121 --> 00:17:20,540 en supportant la guerre de Bush en Iraq.

192 00:17:20,665 --> 00:17:21,875 Oui, ils l'ont fait.

193 00:17:22,000 --> 00:17:24,127 Ils ont été d'une grand influance sur, heu...

194 00:17:24,252 --> 00:17:27,756 Dans divers organisations qui paraissaient être

195 00:17:27,839 --> 00:17:30,467 d'intéret publique, dans l'enseignement,

196 00:17:30,592 --> 00:17:34,012 mais qui a longuement préconisé la guerre en Iraq

197 00:17:34,095 --> 00:17:38,808 meme depuis 1991, heu, la première guerre en Iraq.

198 00:17:38,892 --> 00:17:43,355 C'était leur... Oui, la guerre est un business.

199 00:17:43,480 --> 00:17:46,483 Ce que je veux dire quand je dis que ce ne sont pas des organisations privées,

200 00:17:46,566 --> 00:17:48,526 c'est que cela ressemble à du "socialisme d'état".

201 00:17:48,651 --> 00:17:50,820 Vous n'avez qu'un seul client.

202 00:17:50,904 --> 00:17:53,198 Le client n'a pas particulièrement envie

203 00:17:53,323 --> 00:17:56,743 d'avoir le meilleur rendement de son argent.

204 00:17:56,868 --> 00:17:59,120 Il est simplement plus intéressé...

205 00:17:59,204 --> 00:18:00,663 Par avoir des contrats signés.

206 00:18:00,747 --> 00:18:04,584 Moreover, there is a huge circulation of elites today

207 00:18:04,709 --> 00:18:08,838 in the sense that most of the operating positions,

208 00:18:08,963 --> 00:18:11,174 appointed positions in the Pentagon today,

209 00:18:11,257 --> 00:18:14,678 are executives from the military-industrial complex.

210 00:18:14,761 --> 00:18:16,554 Whereas, by contrast,

211 00:18:16,638 --> 00:18:19,474 any number of the high officials in these companies

212 00:18:19,557 --> 00:18:23,186 are retired high-ranking American military officers.

213 00:18:23,311 --> 00:18:24,562 Woman: [ On radio ] Well, I want to thank you

214 00:18:24,646 --> 00:18:25,980 for being with us, Chalmers Johnson.

215 00:18:26,731 --> 00:18:29,609 His piece appears in this month's... "Harper's".

216 00:18:29,734 --> 00:18:33,196 It's called "War Business: Squeezing a Profit from the Wreckage in Iraq",

217 00:18:33,321 --> 00:18:36,574 As well as David Bacon whose piece appears in "Progressive" magazine.

218 00:18:36,658 --> 00:18:39,452 Chalmers Johnson's piece ends: "this is the future

219 00:18:39,577 --> 00:18:41,496 when war becomes the most profitable..."

220 00:18:41,579 --> 00:18:43,581 [ Music plays ]

221 00:18:45,875 --> 00:18:49,379 H: I'd get about 8 or 10, 15 people at the house.

222 00:18:49,462 --> 00:18:51,923 Big party, watch movies, play games.

223 00:18:55,677 --> 00:18:58,430 Happy Horseman: Kind of a potluck supper kind of thing.

224 00:18:58,555 --> 00:19:00,598 Some people would bring over some beans or chips

225 00:19:00,724 --> 00:19:04,477 and a meat entree or something.

226 00:19:04,602 --> 00:19:06,354 And of course, lots of beer.

227 00:19:06,438 --> 00:19:10,191 And once in a while there was a few mixed drinks.

228 00:19:10,275 --> 00:19:12,527 It was kind of fun, throwing all kinds of stuff into the blender

229 00:19:12,610 --> 00:19:17,115 and churning out things that kind of had a slushy flavour to them,

230 00:19:17,240 --> 00:19:20,285 that about six or seven of them would knock you on your ass.

231 00:19:20,410 --> 00:19:22,412 You can only put so many bottles of rum in some of this stuff.

232 00:19:26,750 --> 00:19:29,627 There was no special flashy...

233 00:19:29,753 --> 00:19:33,715 Nothing going on that was all that strange and unusual.

234 00:19:37,052 --> 00:19:40,930 I mean, this goes on in hundreds and thousands of places all over the country.

235 00:19:43,850 --> 00:19:46,102 Age was never really all that important.

236 00:19:46,186 --> 00:19:47,937 As long as you were old enough to drink,

237 00:19:48,021 --> 00:19:51,524 you weren't senile and could talk coherently,

238 00:19:51,649 --> 00:19:53,485 conversation would always ensue.

239 00:19:54,527 --> 00:19:55,987 Do you wear boxers or a thong?

240 00:19:56,071 --> 00:19:58,031 [ Laughter ]

241 00:20:03,161 --> 00:20:05,246 Happy Horseman: It was pretty much a classless society

242 00:20:05,330 --> 00:20:07,415 of our own little small world.

243 00:20:09,709 --> 00:20:12,128 No one had any kind of different statuses

244 00:20:12,212 --> 00:20:14,631 and who was this and who was that.

245 00:20:14,714 --> 00:20:18,259 There was no alphas and omegas and betas running around anywhere.

246 00:20:18,343 --> 00:20:20,345 [ Music plays ]

247 00:20:22,347 --> 00:20:25,600 Coyote: Being able to get away,

248 00:20:25,684 --> 00:20:28,436 just let everything hang.

249 00:20:33,692 --> 00:20:36,027 Anything I can bring up or want to talk about,

250 00:20:36,111 --> 00:20:42,659 it didn't matter what was on my mind, these were people I could trust.

251 00:20:44,119 --> 00:20:46,371 I could just let my hair down

252 00:20:46,454 --> 00:20:48,331 and not have to worry about things.

253 00:20:48,415 --> 00:20:50,375 [ Music plays ]

254 00:21:15,900 --> 00:21:17,861 [ Music plays ]

255 00:21:21,823 --> 00:21:23,366 H: There was things in him

256 00:21:23,491 --> 00:21:25,452 that he really didn't want people to know.

257 00:21:25,577 --> 00:21:27,203 He wouldn't tell you. He wouldn't tell you the truth.

258 00:21:27,328 --> 00:21:29,289 [ Music plays ]

259 00:21:32,083 --> 00:21:34,753 It took me a long time to find out his real name.

260 00:21:34,878 --> 00:21:39,591 And it was about a year before I knew Mr. Hands' real name.

261 00:21:39,674 --> 00:21:41,092 It was just always Mr. Hands.

262 00:21:41,217 --> 00:21:44,387 "I go by Mr. Hands."

263 00:21:44,471 --> 00:21:47,140 Man: [ On television ] Okay, Jim, it was quite a ride,

264 00:21:47,265 --> 00:21:49,309 But we got it done.

265 00:21:49,434 --> 00:21:53,438 Roger. You're five-by, Jim, and we're sailing free.

266 00:21:53,563 --> 00:21:55,523 Coyote: The flag and stuff that they put on the moon

267 00:21:55,607 --> 00:21:58,818 and it looks like it's waving in the breeze, what do you know?

268 00:21:58,943 --> 00:22:01,446 Of course, there's no atmosphere on the moon at all.

269 00:22:04,282 --> 00:22:05,450 H: People would come out,

270 00:22:05,575 --> 00:22:06,910 and we'd walk out into the barn

271 00:22:06,993 --> 00:22:09,162 and I'd show them my horses and I'd show my bulls,

272 00:22:09,287 --> 00:22:11,915 and they'd ask me different questions about them.

273 00:22:14,292 --> 00:22:16,628 I'd tell them what this was and what that was.

274 00:22:18,254 --> 00:22:20,215 "How come his legs look like that?"

275 00:22:20,298 --> 00:22:22,384 "It's because he's resting."

276 00:22:24,803 --> 00:22:26,930 It wasn't the fanciest place in the world.

277 00:22:29,641 --> 00:22:32,102 It had cows in it, so there was crap all over the floors.

278 00:22:32,185 --> 00:22:33,978 There was horseshit all over the floors.

279 00:22:37,315 --> 00:22:41,111 The horses would come in and out, and the bulls would come in and out.

280 00:22:44,531 --> 00:22:48,326 And it was just, like, "hey, let's go out to the barn and pester the animals".

281 00:22:51,162 --> 00:22:52,914 "Well, there they are. Go ahead."

282 00:22:56,584 --> 00:23:00,088 "Just be careful, because if you stand too long in one place,

283 00:23:00,171 --> 00:23:01,506 It's going to happen."

284 00:23:08,179 --> 00:23:09,973 If you just stand there, they'll walk up behind you

285 00:23:10,056 --> 00:23:11,725 and put their head on your shoulder and talk to you.

286 00:23:13,935 --> 00:23:16,479 They're going to pick up that pheromone that your body's putting off,

287 00:23:16,604 --> 00:23:18,440 and they're going to mount you.

288 00:23:21,651 --> 00:23:25,030 If you don't move, you're bred...

289 00:23:25,155 --> 00:23:26,322 [ Chuckling ]

290 00:23:26,448 --> 00:23:28,033 And I mean bred.

291 00:23:37,208 --> 00:23:39,336 There was times that people'd come over expecting it,

292 00:23:39,461 --> 00:23:42,088 and no, it never happened.

293 00:23:56,561 --> 00:23:57,312 [ Music plays ]

294 00:23:59,522 --> 00:24:02,025 Jenny: We had one horse that we called Chance

295 00:24:02,150 --> 00:24:04,110 when we brought him in.

296 00:24:07,280 --> 00:24:08,615 He was blind.

297 00:24:10,658 --> 00:24:14,454 And he was in this area where it was just nothing but blackberry bushes,

298 00:24:14,579 --> 00:24:16,539 so he kept poking himself in the eye.

299 00:24:21,544 --> 00:24:23,755 We ultimately had to remove both of his eyes,

300 00:24:23,880 --> 00:24:29,761 because he had re-injured himself so many times trying to forage for food.

301 00:24:34,391 --> 00:24:36,935 I mean, it touched all of us very deeply.

302 00:24:47,779 --> 00:24:50,949 When we took that horse to the veterinary hospital,

303 00:24:51,074 --> 00:24:52,951 we were advised to put him down.

304 00:24:58,248 --> 00:25:01,209 But our feeling and our experience has been

305 00:25:01,292 --> 00:25:05,171 that just because it has a problem like blindness,

306 00:25:05,296 --> 00:25:07,924 that's not a good enough reason to just end their life.

307 00:25:08,049 --> 00:25:09,509 [ Airplane roaring ]

308 00:25:11,219 --> 00:25:13,638 Man: [ On radio ] One of the things we found fascinating about the story

309 00:25:13,763 --> 00:25:16,349 is that the news media in the Puget Sound

310 00:25:16,474 --> 00:25:18,935 would not reveal the name of the victim.

311 00:25:23,648 --> 00:25:27,819 We believe we have the name of that man.

312 00:25:30,989 --> 00:25:33,158 We talked to somebody who worked with this guy.

313 00:25:33,283 --> 00:25:38,580 We talked to someone who got a memo at work about the death of this guy.

314 00:25:38,663 --> 00:25:41,041 We talked to people who told us that...

315 00:25:41,166 --> 00:25:43,209 Federal employees were coming in saying

316 00:25:43,335 --> 00:25:45,962 this name was never, ever, ever to be given out.

317 00:25:49,674 --> 00:25:51,134 Woman: My name is Pam Roach,

318 00:25:51,259 --> 00:25:53,970 and I'm the State Senator that covers the area of Enumclaw

319 00:25:54,054 --> 00:25:56,848 and all the lovely area on the Enumclaw Plateau.

320 00:25:56,973 --> 00:25:58,975 It's a beautiful area, as you can see.

321 00:25:59,059 --> 00:26:02,979 There are a lot of farms, a lot of people that love to have animals on these farms,

322 00:26:03,063 --> 00:26:04,689 and a great place to raise children.

323 00:26:10,070 --> 00:26:13,239 I could never believe that an animal would do this on their own.

324 00:26:14,741 --> 00:26:18,828 We don't allow adults to abuse children sexually.

325 00:26:18,912 --> 00:26:20,663 Children cannot consent.

326 00:26:20,747 --> 00:26:26,044 Children are innocent, and so are animals. They cannot consent, and they're innocent.

327 00:26:30,548 --> 00:26:32,509 Mrs. Edwards.

328 00:26:32,592 --> 00:26:34,552 Ready to rescue those horses?

329 00:26:35,679 --> 00:26:38,932 Happy Horseman: This is a nice little town.

330 00:26:39,057 --> 00:26:40,392 It's not the big city.

331 00:26:40,517 --> 00:26:44,479 You don't have to deal with the hustle, the bustle, and the crime rate.

332 00:26:44,562 --> 00:26:47,941 Mostly you see in the paper, somebody's trashcan gets knocked over,

333 00:26:48,066 --> 00:26:51,319 or the drunk next-door neighbour comes over and pissing on their tires.

334 00:26:53,071 --> 00:26:56,366 It was not a town that had a whole lot going on in it.

335 00:26:56,449 --> 00:26:58,118 It was quiet.

336 00:27:00,829 --> 00:27:02,664 There was a couple Chinese food restaurants.

337 00:27:02,747 --> 00:27:05,375 There was a Mexican food restaurant we'd go to quite a bit.

338 00:27:10,380 --> 00:27:12,215 Quite a few different places to go eat at.

339 00:27:18,847 --> 00:27:20,807 You know, we're not isolated out there.

340 00:27:23,518 --> 00:27:26,604 We liked the rural setting but you're not, you know,

341 00:27:26,730 --> 00:27:28,106 dropped in the middle of nowhere.

342 00:27:28,231 --> 00:27:30,191 [ Music plays ]

343 00:27:39,325 --> 00:27:41,536 H: Him and his ex-wife got along really well.

344 00:27:45,123 --> 00:27:46,958 He talked to her on the phone all the time.

345 00:27:49,669 --> 00:27:51,796 She seemed like a nice girl.

346 00:27:53,673 --> 00:27:56,384 Since the divorce, they had gotten to be best of friends.

347 00:27:58,636 --> 00:28:01,097 They were still friends up until the day he died.

348 00:28:06,644 --> 00:28:09,105 Happy Horseman: The type of work he did was basically top secret.

349 00:28:12,400 --> 00:28:14,277 H: I knew what he did.

350 00:28:14,361 --> 00:28:16,863 I knew exactly what he did and how he went about doing it,

351 00:28:16,988 --> 00:28:20,575 but... It was just something that we'd discuss

352 00:28:20,658 --> 00:28:23,161 that was never to be talked about.

353 00:28:25,789 --> 00:28:28,792 Happy Horseman: I think at one time he was very conservative.

354 00:28:29,834 --> 00:28:32,128 After a while things started changing.

355 00:28:33,380 --> 00:28:36,883 Things started opening up in front of him.

356 00:28:37,008 --> 00:28:41,638 He was going, "you know, this really doesn't seem right to me.

357 00:28:41,763 --> 00:28:47,394 Something about this just is... Kind of wrong."

358 00:28:47,519 --> 00:28:49,479 [ Music plays ]

359 00:29:03,201 --> 00:29:06,246 H: I had a, uh, apple tree...

360 00:29:06,371 --> 00:29:09,916 Fir tree and a weeping willow.

361 00:29:15,088 --> 00:29:20,260 And otherwise it was all open pasture, all open field.

362 00:29:23,596 --> 00:29:25,890 Happy Horseman: Occasionally, there'd be some discussion

363 00:29:25,974 --> 00:29:29,769 on some constitutional issues of basic freedoms

364 00:29:29,894 --> 00:29:33,523 being usurped by certain political parties

365 00:29:33,606 --> 00:29:38,194 who thought that they needed to control the morality of the world,

366 00:29:38,319 --> 00:29:40,697 and they didn't care exactly how they got to do it.

367 00:29:40,780 --> 00:29:42,741 [ Music plays ]

368 00:29:53,835 --> 00:29:56,254 H: When it'd come to work, he was all business.

369 00:29:57,630 --> 00:30:01,259 When he'd come out to the farm, he was a completely different person.

370 00:30:01,384 --> 00:30:03,762 He'd be relaxed. He was comfortable.

371 00:30:03,887 --> 00:30:05,847 [ Music plays ]

372 00:30:20,987 --> 00:30:23,448 Jenny: They were here during that time

373 00:30:23,531 --> 00:30:26,201 for the son to visit his father.

374 00:30:26,284 --> 00:30:29,537 Woman: [ On P.A. ] Flight number 324 to Seattle will be leaving gate 26A...

375 00:30:31,498 --> 00:30:33,375 Jenny: You know, here they had come all this way

376 00:30:33,458 --> 00:30:36,961 to have this sort of normal family vacation.

377 00:30:39,923 --> 00:30:44,427 About halfway through their vacation...

378 00:30:44,552 --> 00:30:46,971 The death happened.

379 00:30:56,481 --> 00:30:58,900 H: I called him at work

380 00:30:58,983 --> 00:31:02,946 and I said, "are you going to come out tonight?"

381 00:31:03,029 --> 00:31:05,615 He goes, "no, but I'll be out next weekend".

382 00:31:05,699 --> 00:31:07,659 I said, "oh, no, you gotta come out tonight.

383 00:31:07,784 --> 00:31:10,036 There's somebody here that wants to meet you."

384 00:31:10,161 --> 00:31:14,582 And we argued a little bit over the phone, and I finally got him to come out.

385 00:31:16,501 --> 00:31:18,086 Well, that was my downfall.

386 00:31:23,383 --> 00:31:27,387 Just irritates me thinking about it.

387 00:31:27,512 --> 00:31:29,764 Turn this thing off... Please.

388 00:31:32,225 --> 00:31:34,185 [ Music plays ]

389 00:31:45,447 --> 00:31:48,700 Happy Horseman: You're connecting with another intelligent being

390 00:31:48,825 --> 00:31:54,706 who is very happy to...

391 00:31:54,789 --> 00:31:57,667 Participate, be involved.

392 00:31:57,751 --> 00:31:59,711 [ Music plays ]

393 00:32:05,800 --> 00:32:09,846 You're not going to be able to ask it about the latest Madonna album.

394 00:32:12,015 --> 00:32:15,560 It has no idea what Tolstoy is, or Keats.

395 00:32:16,978 --> 00:32:22,025 You can't discuss the difference between Monet and Picasso.

396 00:32:22,150 --> 00:32:24,402 It just doesn't exist for their world.

397 00:32:25,445 --> 00:32:28,740 It's a simpler, very plain world.

398 00:32:28,865 --> 00:32:33,536 And for those few moments, you kind of can get disconnected.

399 00:32:33,661 --> 00:32:35,622 [ Music plays ]

400 00:32:43,755 --> 00:32:47,342 It's a very intense, wonderful kind of feeling.

401 00:32:48,677 --> 00:32:50,887 I don't think anything really can kind of compare to it.

402 00:32:54,182 --> 00:32:55,308 There's no pain.

403 00:32:55,433 --> 00:32:57,394 [ Music plays ]

404 00:33:05,610 --> 00:33:07,946 At no time, in any way, shape or form,

405 00:33:08,071 --> 00:33:13,743 has anybody forced, coerced, drugs, ropes, whatever.

406 00:33:13,827 --> 00:33:17,997 There's no bondage or anything like that involved in any of this,

407 00:33:18,123 --> 00:33:20,083 Because these are...

408 00:33:20,166 --> 00:33:21,626 These are your friends.

409 00:33:21,751 --> 00:33:23,712 [ Music plays ]

410 00:33:24,921 --> 00:33:26,006 [ Door hinges squeaking ]

411 00:33:28,174 --> 00:33:29,134 [ Door slams shut ]

412 00:33:29,259 --> 00:33:31,219 [ Music plays ]

413 00:33:33,972 --> 00:33:37,100 I had...

414 00:33:37,225 --> 00:33:41,021 Submitted a...

415 00:33:41,146 --> 00:33:48,486 Query regarding another role, uh, which I didn't get and...

416 00:33:48,611 --> 00:33:50,572 After that, I forgot all about it.

417 00:33:50,655 --> 00:33:52,991 And then about two months later,

418 00:33:53,074 --> 00:33:59,497 I received a e-mail letting me know that the director had...

419 00:33:59,581 --> 00:34:02,834 Saved my pictures that I had submitted

420 00:34:03,001 --> 00:34:07,213 and was interested in meeting with me for the role of cop #1

421 00:34:07,339 --> 00:34:09,591 for a movie, and that's all I knew. [ Chuckling ]

422 00:34:15,263 --> 00:34:22,729 I met with Rob the next day, and, uh, I was frantically looking for a place to park,

423 00:34:22,854 --> 00:34:25,523 and I was real... I was becoming later and later

424 00:34:25,648 --> 00:34:27,859 and I was stressed out, and finally...

425 00:34:27,984 --> 00:34:30,612 I just parked in a, um, a loading zone,

426 00:34:30,695 --> 00:34:33,823 and I ran down to the... To where I was supposed to meet Rob, and...

427 00:34:33,907 --> 00:34:35,325 And just let him know.

428 00:34:36,701 --> 00:34:38,703 And he said, "well, um... [ Clears throat ]

429 00:34:38,828 --> 00:34:40,997 Just go back to your car and I'll meet you over there."

430 00:34:41,081 --> 00:34:44,167 So I went over there and stood by my car,

431 00:34:44,250 --> 00:34:50,298 and we started chatting about... About the movie.

432 00:34:50,382 --> 00:34:53,051 And at that time,

433 00:34:53,176 --> 00:34:56,346 he told me what the movie was about and...

434 00:34:56,471 --> 00:34:58,598 You know, I was...

435 00:34:58,723 --> 00:35:02,143 It didn't faze me because...

436 00:35:02,227 --> 00:35:04,104 I have, um...

437 00:35:04,229 --> 00:35:05,939 I've seen the best of humanity

438 00:35:06,064 --> 00:35:09,526 and I've also seen the darkest parts of humanity.

439 00:35:12,070 --> 00:35:14,280 The summer prior to this incident,

440 00:35:14,406 --> 00:35:17,492 I was in a softball tournament in Enumclaw,

441 00:35:17,575 --> 00:35:22,414 and I had a... A guy on the opposing team

442 00:35:22,539 --> 00:35:24,332 injured himself in the outfield,

443 00:35:24,416 --> 00:35:28,336 and I actually helped him onto the stretcher

444 00:35:28,420 --> 00:35:33,049 that took him to the very same hospital where this man died.

445 00:35:33,133 --> 00:35:36,219 And, you know, that hits kind of close to home.

446 00:35:39,139 --> 00:35:42,225 The cold, harsh, brutal reality

447 00:35:42,308 --> 00:35:45,186 is a man bled to death, okay?

448 00:35:45,270 --> 00:35:49,149 And as I researched my role

449 00:35:49,274 --> 00:35:53,820 and revisited some articles that I had read a year prior,

450 00:35:53,945 --> 00:36:00,201 and also some new information, you know, I...

451 00:36:00,285 --> 00:36:02,787 I thought about...

452 00:36:02,871 --> 00:36:05,206 I thought about what was going through this man's mind

453 00:36:05,290 --> 00:36:06,583 as he was bleeding to death.

454 00:36:08,376 --> 00:36:13,131 And how did he find himself in this place at this time?

455 00:36:13,214 --> 00:36:16,718 And, uh...

456 00:36:16,801 --> 00:36:20,013 You know, I had the experience

457 00:36:20,138 --> 00:36:26,770 of holding a corpse in my hands that was a few minutes before

458 00:36:26,895 --> 00:36:33,026 a seven-year-old boy that had drowned in a swimming pool,

459 00:36:33,151 --> 00:36:38,114 and his last breath was...

460 00:36:38,239 --> 00:36:40,742 Frozen in time on his face.

461 00:36:40,825 --> 00:36:44,371 And his... His eyes were fixed,

462 00:36:44,496 --> 00:36:47,207 and I could see right down into his mouth,

463 00:36:47,332 --> 00:36:50,669 and it was ghostly white, and it...

464 00:36:52,337 --> 00:36:58,468 At that moment, when I was staring into those empty eyes

465 00:36:58,551 --> 00:37:01,096 and looking into the depths of death,

466 00:37:01,179 --> 00:37:03,890 all's I saw was my own reflection.

467 00:37:04,015 --> 00:37:09,979 And... To be there at that moment in time,

468 00:37:10,063 --> 00:37:13,191 during that tragedy, [ Sighing ]

469 00:37:13,316 --> 00:37:17,987 for a little boy that could not be revived,

470 00:37:18,113 --> 00:37:23,451 and ended up dying on Mother's Day,

471 00:37:23,535 --> 00:37:26,329 you know, that... That's embossed in my heart.

472 00:37:26,413 --> 00:37:28,957 And... And it's... It...

473 00:37:29,040 --> 00:37:31,543 When someone dies, it's...

474 00:37:31,626 --> 00:37:35,130 It's something that I... I take to heart

475 00:37:35,213 --> 00:37:37,215 because there's nothing trivial about it.

476 00:37:37,340 --> 00:37:41,845 There's people that...

477 00:37:41,970 --> 00:37:44,472 That love that individual,

478 00:37:44,556 --> 00:37:45,807 and they will never see them again.

479 00:37:45,890 --> 00:37:48,727 And that's a tragedy.

480 00:37:50,770 --> 00:37:51,646 [ Helicopter whirring ]

481 00:37:58,820 --> 00:38:02,323 Happy Horseman: We knew it was going to happen.

482 00:38:02,407 --> 00:38:03,908 But we didn't know when.

483 00:38:07,662 --> 00:38:09,622 [ Music plays ]

484 00:38:46,951 --> 00:38:49,037 H: The media pushed this thing

485 00:38:49,120 --> 00:38:51,122 so far out of proportion, it's unreal.

486 00:38:56,211 --> 00:38:59,255 Happy Horseman: How many places do you know of

487 00:38:59,381 --> 00:39:04,886 that actually gets CNN news to go down and fly a helicopter over the property

488 00:39:04,969 --> 00:39:08,640 just so they can have some footage for an accidental death?

489 00:39:19,234 --> 00:39:20,652 H: One day I'm doing just fine,

490 00:39:20,777 --> 00:39:23,196 and the next day I'm an evil person.

491 00:39:23,321 --> 00:39:25,281 There's nothing evil about me.

492 00:39:29,369 --> 00:39:31,204 I wasn't breaking the law.

493 00:39:33,331 --> 00:39:37,836 I had everything going for me and it all come crashing down around me.

494 00:39:37,961 --> 00:39:41,631 Anchor: [ On TV ] ...Animal cruelty after a bizarre death in King County.

495 00:39:41,756 --> 00:39:43,299 Reporter: [ On TV ] According to the Sheriff's Department,

496 00:39:43,425 --> 00:39:47,762 the man died from internal bleeding after allegedly having sex with a horse in Enumclaw.

497 00:39:47,846 --> 00:39:49,848 According to the King County Sheriff's Office...

498 00:39:55,770 --> 00:40:00,191 Authorities were able to find the farm after the man was dropped off at a local hospital.

499 00:40:00,275 --> 00:40:04,070 Surveillance cameras traced the vehicle used back to the farm.

500 00:40:04,195 --> 00:40:09,242 Deputies say they are investigating the possibility that animal cruelty laws might apply.

501 00:40:09,367 --> 00:40:12,495 H: We had buckets full of tapes and CDs and stuff.

502 00:40:14,706 --> 00:40:18,918 I wanted to get the stuff out of the house.

503 00:40:19,044 --> 00:40:20,670 I was scared.

504 00:40:20,754 --> 00:40:21,713 [ Phone ringing ]

505 00:40:21,838 --> 00:40:23,465 Happy Horseman: We did notice

506 00:40:23,548 --> 00:40:27,177 a very definite change in the phone service.

507 00:40:27,260 --> 00:40:29,220 [ Ringing ]

508 00:40:29,346 --> 00:40:32,891 Happy Horseman: Picking up the phone, every 15 seconds,

509 00:40:33,016 --> 00:40:35,477 there would be a little blank spot.

510 00:40:35,560 --> 00:40:38,188 Nobody at either end could hear.

511 00:40:38,271 --> 00:40:40,023 And then it would come back to normal again.

512 00:40:40,106 --> 00:40:42,442 Every 15 seconds.

513 00:40:42,567 --> 00:40:45,070 And that went on for quite a few days.

514 00:40:45,195 --> 00:40:47,155 [ Banging on door ]

515 00:41:08,677 --> 00:41:11,262 We were actually getting tracts, religious tracts.

516 00:41:14,599 --> 00:41:16,935 People were trying to save our souls.

517 00:41:17,060 --> 00:41:19,020 [ Music plays ]

518 00:41:32,367 --> 00:41:33,993 Man 1 : [ On phone ] Hello, dad!

519 00:41:34,119 --> 00:41:36,162 Man 2: Hello, son!

520 00:41:36,287 --> 00:41:38,039 Man 1: Hey, dad, you know what?

521 00:41:38,123 --> 00:41:40,583 They... They need to get this guy's name out there.

522 00:41:40,667 --> 00:41:44,754 What's the guy thinking, screwing a horse?

523 00:41:44,879 --> 00:41:46,673 - [ Laughter ] -...Find out.

524 00:41:46,798 --> 00:41:48,675 [ Laughter ]

525 00:41:48,800 --> 00:41:51,094 Man 2: Well, nobody finds out if you live!

526 00:42:04,315 --> 00:42:06,484 Rush Limbaugh: [ On radio ] To the remaining items in our news digest today:

527 00:42:06,609 --> 00:42:08,820 "people who have..." This from Olympia, Washington.

528 00:42:08,945 --> 00:42:15,035 "People who have sex with animals should face felony convictions for animal cruelty",

529 00:42:15,160 --> 00:42:18,913 says a Republican Senator pushing for a ban on bestiality.

530 00:42:18,997 --> 00:42:22,250 "These animals don't have the cognitive ability to consent

531 00:42:22,334 --> 00:42:26,171 and that is the case, that we have to be protecting them", said Pam Roach.

532 00:42:26,254 --> 00:42:30,008 Really, now, I hate to express my naivete about these kinds of things,

533 00:42:30,133 --> 00:42:31,718 but... Well, no, I don't, actually.

534 00:42:31,843 --> 00:42:34,304 I'm very proud to be naive about these kinds of things.

535 00:42:34,387 --> 00:42:36,222 But how do they know the horse didn't consent?

536 00:42:36,348 --> 00:42:37,557 How in the world...

537 00:42:39,309 --> 00:42:43,188 Can this happen without consent?

538 00:42:43,313 --> 00:42:45,190 We're talking... We're...

539 00:42:47,734 --> 00:42:49,819 We're talking about a human being and a horse.

540 00:42:49,903 --> 00:42:52,197 [ Stammering ] If... If the horse didn't consent,

541 00:42:52,322 --> 00:42:54,282 then none of this would have happened.

542 00:43:00,872 --> 00:43:03,875 Happy Horseman: They're looking for a spark...

543 00:43:04,000 --> 00:43:06,461 To get a shit storm started.

544 00:43:09,798 --> 00:43:11,841 And this provided that spark.

545 00:43:11,925 --> 00:43:13,885 [ Music plays ]

546 00:43:25,897 --> 00:43:27,649 He said, "stop right where you're at.

547 00:43:27,732 --> 00:43:31,069 Put your hands behind you. You're being arrested for homicide."

548 00:43:31,194 --> 00:43:33,613 And I said, "what? I am?"

549 00:43:34,656 --> 00:43:37,117 "I can't tell you any more. You've got to come with me."

550 00:43:37,242 --> 00:43:39,202 [ Music plays ]

551 00:44:20,618 --> 00:44:22,245 H: I had it loaded.

552 00:44:25,790 --> 00:44:27,459 I had it in my mouth.

553 00:44:31,171 --> 00:44:33,298 I was going to blow the top of my head off.

554 00:44:36,676 --> 00:44:37,969 That's how I felt.

555 00:44:40,138 --> 00:44:41,473 50 calibre rifle.

556 00:44:41,598 --> 00:44:42,766 Black powder.

557 00:44:45,018 --> 00:44:47,270 Can you imagine what that would have done to me?

558 00:44:57,364 --> 00:44:59,991 [ Grunting on TV ]

559 00:45:03,870 --> 00:45:05,497 [ Inaudible ]

560 00:45:11,378 --> 00:45:14,297 H: They were investigating a homicide that didn't happen.

561 00:45:17,509 --> 00:45:19,469 [ Grunting continues ]

562 00:45:24,140 --> 00:45:27,227 H: They assumed it was the horse that killed Mr. Hands.

563 00:45:31,898 --> 00:45:34,025 They assumed that.

564 00:45:34,150 --> 00:45:35,443 [ Grunting/groaning on TV ]

565 00:45:36,528 --> 00:45:38,071 Mr. Hands: [ On TV ] Oh, God...

566 00:45:38,196 --> 00:45:40,448 H: It doesn't show anything.

567 00:45:42,617 --> 00:45:46,538 All's it shows is the horse doing something.

568 00:45:46,663 --> 00:45:48,623 [ Grunting continues ]

569 00:45:57,465 --> 00:45:59,509 Man: Is that your horse?

570 00:46:02,178 --> 00:46:03,805 Coyote: In their mind, they don't care

571 00:46:03,888 --> 00:46:07,017 whether it's a filly underneath them or a human.

572 00:46:11,312 --> 00:46:13,523 You've got something like a male animal,

573 00:46:15,525 --> 00:46:19,195 pretty much our purpose on this earth is to procreate.

574 00:46:21,573 --> 00:46:25,201 I don't mean to sound detrimental to males,

575 00:46:27,996 --> 00:46:32,083 but we're here to pass the seed along that keeps generations going.

576 00:46:35,128 --> 00:46:36,963 So there's always that drive.

577 00:46:40,008 --> 00:46:41,968 [ Moaning ]

578 00:46:42,093 --> 00:46:44,137 Get out of my head!

579 00:46:44,262 --> 00:46:46,264 Happy Horseman: There were some nutcases in that jail.

580 00:46:46,389 --> 00:46:48,183 Get out of my head!

581 00:46:48,266 --> 00:46:49,559 [ Groaning ]

582 00:46:49,642 --> 00:46:51,978 Get out of my head! Get out of my head!

583 00:46:52,103 --> 00:46:56,024 Happy Horseman: You're dealing with some very strange mentality.

584 00:46:56,107 --> 00:46:58,109 And they had one guy up in there, just thinks it's kind of fun

585 00:46:58,234 --> 00:47:00,236 to go around instigating fights.

586 00:47:00,320 --> 00:47:02,364 I've got a couple friends who are coming here...

587 00:47:02,447 --> 00:47:04,366 We're going to blow a hole in the walls.

588 00:47:04,449 --> 00:47:06,493 Happy Horseman: Jeez, this is nuts.

589 00:47:06,618 --> 00:47:08,495 I'm stuck with all these guys in here.

590 00:47:10,914 --> 00:47:12,749 Finally, they took me upstairs

591 00:47:12,832 --> 00:47:16,378 and said, "okay, this is... This and this and this and this.

592 00:47:16,461 --> 00:47:20,090 And we already know about that. And this and this and this. Sign here."

593 00:47:24,135 --> 00:47:25,637 "No.

594 00:47:28,598 --> 00:47:32,977 What you've been hearing is not exactly true."

595 00:47:40,902 --> 00:47:43,613 We were basically gone for the weekend.

596 00:47:47,492 --> 00:47:51,913 We were not expecting Mr. Hands to make an appearance at all.

597 00:47:59,754 --> 00:48:01,464 H: Every time he'd come out to the house,

598 00:48:01,548 --> 00:48:03,383 It was always about the son...

599 00:48:06,720 --> 00:48:10,473 How he's coming along in school. His writing was getting better.

600 00:48:12,392 --> 00:48:13,977 This went on for hours.

601 00:48:15,520 --> 00:48:17,772 Oh, yeah. He loved his boy.

602 00:48:20,859 --> 00:48:23,820 That was one of the things he was setting up the house for.

603 00:48:25,905 --> 00:48:28,575 It was for her to come back and live with him.

604 00:48:30,535 --> 00:48:32,787 So he could be closer to his son.

605 00:48:32,871 --> 00:48:34,873 [ Music plays ]

606 00:48:43,423 --> 00:48:47,302 Coyote: He was losing blood into his abdominal cavity.

607 00:48:51,056 --> 00:48:54,100 You can have an injury like that and be bleeding to death internally

608 00:48:54,225 --> 00:48:55,810 and not really feel it.

609 00:48:59,314 --> 00:49:03,276 I don't know if he really understood

610 00:49:03,401 --> 00:49:05,862 that what had happened was something that was killing him.

611 00:49:18,083 --> 00:49:20,210 Happy Horseman: He thought that getting married, having kids...

612 00:49:20,335 --> 00:49:22,045 That was going to be the greatest thing in his life,

613 00:49:22,170 --> 00:49:23,880 and that didn't turn out as great.

614 00:49:26,091 --> 00:49:31,721 Some of the different relationships he's had, just close friends...

615 00:49:31,805 --> 00:49:33,973 Others, it went further than that...

616 00:49:34,099 --> 00:49:35,725 Some of those didn't turn out so good.

617 00:49:35,809 --> 00:49:40,397 So in a way... Coming to the ranch was,

618 00:49:40,480 --> 00:49:43,483 "I don't have to impress anybody.

619 00:49:43,608 --> 00:49:45,735 I don't have to really deal with relationships."

620 00:49:47,737 --> 00:49:50,281 Jenny: His family had commented to me

621 00:49:50,407 --> 00:49:54,494 that they were shocked when he called and said, "I bought a horse".

622 00:49:57,122 --> 00:50:00,000 They didn't want to go onto the property

623 00:50:00,125 --> 00:50:04,379 because they didn't want to have anything to do with the people that were involved.

624 00:50:04,462 --> 00:50:09,843 But from an estate point of view, they had these animals that had to be dealt with.

625 00:50:09,968 --> 00:50:11,928 [ Music plays ]

626 00:50:14,055 --> 00:50:16,725 H: The sheriff gave me seven days to get out.

627 00:50:22,647 --> 00:50:24,441 I already gave my mares away.

628 00:50:27,819 --> 00:50:33,241 I already took my bulls to the auction and all I had left was Gablar and Strut.

629 00:50:37,495 --> 00:50:39,664 Jenny: The brother, the father and l

630 00:50:39,789 --> 00:50:43,418 all met in the station and the police led us out to the property.

631 00:50:47,005 --> 00:50:52,135 We pulled up into the yard and the police chief drove on.

632 00:50:56,014 --> 00:51:00,477 And that's when I really realized that he wasn't going to come in with us.

633 00:51:10,362 --> 00:51:18,286 This guy came out and it was extremely obvious that he was very deeply involved.

634 00:51:21,373 --> 00:51:24,542 The brother just kept saying, "keep me away from this guy.

635 00:51:24,668 --> 00:51:26,795 Just keep me away from this guy."

636 00:51:28,338 --> 00:51:31,716 He struck us as a child molester type,

637 00:51:31,841 --> 00:51:35,720 just a really creepy kind of guy.

638 00:51:35,845 --> 00:51:40,016 So I said, "we've come to pick up one or two horses. Where are they??"

639 00:51:40,141 --> 00:51:42,102 [ Music plays ]

640 00:52:06,668 --> 00:52:11,923 At the time, I thought, "I can't think through this right now".

641 00:52:12,048 --> 00:52:15,427 So I just turned on my internal camera, my head cam.

642 00:52:18,430 --> 00:52:20,682 What does that look like? And what's this barn look like?

643 00:52:20,765 --> 00:52:22,684 And what's this area look like?

644 00:52:28,732 --> 00:52:33,069 He just kept saying, "I'm all torn up over this. I'm just all torn up over this".

645 00:52:33,153 --> 00:52:37,907 And it was just so not real.

646 00:52:45,957 --> 00:52:49,419 And then he pointed to the ceiling and there was a kind of a rope thing

647 00:52:49,544 --> 00:52:53,006 with a small noose-looking thing at the end of this rope,

648 00:52:53,131 --> 00:52:55,425 and he said this is where he would work the horse.

649 00:52:57,427 --> 00:53:00,597 And I thought, "Whoa. What do you mean...

650 00:53:02,307 --> 00:53:03,975 'Work a horse'?"

651 00:53:06,978 --> 00:53:08,438 H: That rope is a training tool.

652 00:53:14,110 --> 00:53:17,614 They're called a high tie.

653 00:53:17,697 --> 00:53:20,283 And what he'd do is he'd tie the horse's lead rope to that.

654 00:53:23,661 --> 00:53:29,584 And the horse could go around in the pen, but he couldn't get out.

655 00:53:32,587 --> 00:53:35,548 He was teaching himself how to ride.

656 00:53:38,635 --> 00:53:40,553 Jenny: Stallions can be very dangerous.

657 00:53:44,224 --> 00:53:47,477 We didn't know what his interaction had been with humans.

658 00:53:51,523 --> 00:53:53,733 I just spoke quietly to him.

659 00:53:56,236 --> 00:53:59,531 I probably said things like...

660 00:53:59,656 --> 00:54:04,452 "Oh, you're a pretty boy. It's a beautiful day."

661 00:54:08,498 --> 00:54:12,877 H: Well, my impression of Jenny is that, uh...

662 00:54:12,961 --> 00:54:16,256 She doesn't know her ass from a hole in the ground when it comes to a horse.

663 00:54:19,384 --> 00:54:20,677 Period.

664 00:54:23,513 --> 00:54:25,390 She comes across as being a person

665 00:54:25,473 --> 00:54:27,559 that knows everything there is about horses,

666 00:54:27,684 --> 00:54:30,729 but to me, she doesn't know anything about them at all.

667 00:54:35,984 --> 00:54:37,235 [ Horse snorting ]

668 00:54:38,528 --> 00:54:41,364 Even her husband doesn't know how to handle a horse.

669 00:54:49,914 --> 00:54:52,375 [ Horse whinnying ]

670 00:54:55,920 --> 00:54:58,548 Jenny: I didn't realize until we got there

671 00:54:58,631 --> 00:55:01,509 that he'd owned two horses.

672 00:55:01,593 --> 00:55:06,056 So I started asking questions about the other horse.

673 00:55:07,390 --> 00:55:09,559 "What's the status of Strut?"

674 00:55:11,394 --> 00:55:15,732 And he said, "well, I own that horse. He gave that horse to me".

675 00:55:17,067 --> 00:55:19,819 And I said, "well, show me your bill of sale".

676 00:55:21,905 --> 00:55:23,782 And he goes, "well, I don't have that".

677 00:55:23,907 --> 00:55:25,992 And I said, "well, you need a bill of sale".

678 00:55:27,118 --> 00:55:30,246 And then about that time, this guy shows up in a little truck.

679 00:55:33,500 --> 00:55:36,127 H: The person that bought Strut is a friend of mine.

680 00:55:39,464 --> 00:55:41,758 And there was a bill of sale and everything was there.

681 00:55:46,054 --> 00:55:49,182 I don't think if, uh... Even if I didn't have the paperwork,

682 00:55:49,307 --> 00:55:51,184 I was going to let her take that horse.

683 00:55:52,686 --> 00:55:53,853 Jenny: But then a weird thing happened.

684 00:55:53,978 --> 00:55:57,774 This little mini came up and got up under

685 00:55:57,857 --> 00:56:00,819 and started giving the stallion a blow job.

686 00:56:03,321 --> 00:56:05,740 It was the strangest thing I've ever seen.

687 00:56:05,824 --> 00:56:07,033 Ever.

688 00:56:07,158 --> 00:56:09,119 [ Music plays ]

689 00:56:26,177 --> 00:56:29,014 Happy Horseman: I didn't get home until much, much later that evening

690 00:56:29,097 --> 00:56:32,308 and hadn't really paid too much attention to Mr. Hands.

691 00:56:38,732 --> 00:56:41,234 We did acknowledge each other's existence.

692 00:56:45,238 --> 00:56:47,615 H: I had to leave. My boss was out of town

693 00:56:47,699 --> 00:56:50,076 and I was taking care of his horses at his place.

694 00:56:51,703 --> 00:56:53,246 It was around 10:00, 11:00 o'clock,

695 00:56:53,371 --> 00:56:55,206 and usually I feed them at 8:00 o'clock.

696 00:56:57,250 --> 00:56:59,127 I went over there ; I'd been drinking.

697 00:57:00,587 --> 00:57:02,339 But I was hungry, so I ate something.

698 00:57:04,716 --> 00:57:08,887 Well, that was my downfall, because as soon as I eat, I just pass out.

699 00:57:15,226 --> 00:57:17,854 Happy Horseman: Something bad happened out there.

700 00:57:21,358 --> 00:57:25,403 I don't think Mr. Hands knew this particular animal very much.

701 00:57:27,572 --> 00:57:31,534 And I don't think the gentleman that was with him

702 00:57:31,618 --> 00:57:35,372 was really attuned to that animal, as well.

703 00:57:38,458 --> 00:57:42,504 It wasn't until around 5:15, 5:20 in the morning

704 00:57:42,587 --> 00:57:46,508 that he made the announcement that he needed to go to the hospital right away.

705 00:57:49,761 --> 00:57:53,515 If I had just the slightest inclination that something was wrong,

706 00:57:53,598 --> 00:57:55,975 he would have ended up in the hospital immediately.

707 00:57:59,270 --> 00:58:01,272 H: He could have been out in the barn with his horse.

708 00:58:01,398 --> 00:58:03,358 He could have been out there with my horse.

709 00:58:03,441 --> 00:58:06,069 I'm not saying he was, I'm not saying he wasn't.

710 00:58:06,152 --> 00:58:08,113 Like I said, I was not there.

711 00:58:13,284 --> 00:58:15,161 Happy Horseman: "Please don't let this happen."

712 00:58:20,917 --> 00:58:23,878 And then I noticed that his lips were changing colour.

713 00:58:46,943 --> 00:58:47,902 Woman: Sir?

714 00:58:47,986 --> 00:58:49,237 - [ car door opens ] - Sir!

715 00:58:50,280 --> 00:58:53,450 I'm not getting a pulse. Code!

716 00:59:08,214 --> 00:59:11,968 H: You need to go out in the pasture with a bunch of horses.

717 00:59:12,052 --> 00:59:14,637 They're going to come to you.

718 00:59:14,721 --> 00:59:16,848 They're going to see who you are.

719 00:59:18,183 --> 00:59:19,976 Then see what they do to you.

720 00:59:20,060 --> 00:59:22,145 Mr. Hands: [ Whispering ] I can't think about it anymore.

721 00:59:22,228 --> 00:59:23,688 H: That's what you need to do.

722 00:59:25,106 --> 00:59:27,942 Mr. Hands: [ Whispering ] ...In the "C" direction multiplied by the exponent,

723 00:59:28,026 --> 00:59:30,528 the irrational number that constant can...

724 00:59:30,653 --> 00:59:33,031 [ Shouting ] Now it's good news!

725 00:59:33,156 --> 00:59:35,200 [ Whispering ] Multiplied by "C" minus the tangent.

726 00:59:35,325 --> 00:59:37,327 [ Whinnying ]

727 00:59:39,829 --> 00:59:42,040 I can't just stop working. I mean...

728 00:59:49,172 --> 00:59:52,092 God. And I can't do it. I cannot...

729 00:59:52,217 --> 00:59:55,261 The mean is predicted to have elliptical Gaussian pattern diffracted...

730 01:00:08,024 --> 01:00:10,527 H: I know another guy that used to work at the Black Hole...

731 01:00:10,610 --> 01:00:13,279 Woman: [ On two-way radio ] Does he have any identification?

732 01:00:13,405 --> 01:00:15,240 H: The same place that Mr. Hands did.

733 01:00:18,576 --> 01:00:20,036 He had made a ripple...

734 01:00:23,832 --> 01:00:25,417 So they fired him.

735 01:00:37,053 --> 01:00:39,180 Mr. Hands, he was building antennas.

736 01:00:44,352 --> 01:00:47,731 He told me all about this one he just did and how it worked really well.

737 01:00:51,109 --> 01:00:53,570 And they were really proud of him at the company.

738 01:00:57,949 --> 01:00:59,743 He was liking that.

739 01:01:01,286 --> 01:01:04,581 But I think what really he wanted to do was get away from that.

740 01:01:07,208 --> 01:01:08,710 He wanted to be a farmer.

741 01:01:11,671 --> 01:01:13,256 He wanted to be like me.

742 01:01:13,381 --> 01:01:15,300 [ Monitors beeping ]

743 01:01:15,383 --> 01:01:17,344 [ Music plays ]

744 01:01:28,813 --> 01:01:30,357 [ Rapid beeping ]

745 01:01:30,482 --> 01:01:32,442 [ Flatline beep ]

746 01:01:45,955 --> 01:01:47,916 [ Fire crackling ]

747 01:02:07,394 --> 01:02:09,979 H: Mount Rainier is actually a beautiful mountain.

748 01:02:11,106 --> 01:02:13,024 There's a picture of a deer head on the side.

749 01:02:14,359 --> 01:02:16,611 There's the throat and the horns.

750 01:02:18,363 --> 01:02:21,199 Once I found it, I couldn't see Mount Rainier for years.

751 01:02:22,742 --> 01:02:24,703 All I could see was that deer head.

752 01:02:28,498 --> 01:02:30,625 It took me a long time to look around that deer head

753 01:02:30,709 --> 01:02:32,210 to see Mount Rainier again.

754 01:02:34,963 --> 01:02:37,257 Jenny: I know he really loved his brother.

755 01:02:39,968 --> 01:02:43,304 I think that's why he kept talking about it and talking about it.

756 01:02:49,436 --> 01:02:53,606 He told me a lot about the things that they found in the apartment.

757 01:02:59,362 --> 01:03:02,198 He was really mulling it over in his mind.

758 01:03:12,542 --> 01:03:13,835 And he actually found...

759 01:03:13,918 --> 01:03:18,715 A cast of Strut's penis.

760 01:03:20,300 --> 01:03:22,177 Man: [ on radio ] All right, we did a lot of research,

761 01:03:22,260 --> 01:03:24,304 we got a lot of phone calls.

762 01:03:24,429 --> 01:03:27,265 We pulled together a lot of information.

763 01:03:27,349 --> 01:03:33,897 And here is what we have: we have an employee, now deceased,

764 01:03:33,980 --> 01:03:37,650 who worked at Boeing Corporation, Named K...

765 01:03:41,529 --> 01:03:43,490 [ Music plays ]

766 01:03:46,451 --> 01:03:48,036 Happy Horseman: There was nothing

767 01:03:48,119 --> 01:03:50,205 that they could really screw this down with.

768 01:03:52,499 --> 01:03:56,086 They will just basically defame you into oblivion.

769 01:04:00,048 --> 01:04:02,384 Your names will be posted all over the place.

770 01:04:08,098 --> 01:04:10,058 H: My secret is out now.

771 01:04:11,810 --> 01:04:14,062 Everybody in the world knows what I did.

772 01:04:16,856 --> 01:04:20,151 I was evil. I was evil because I...

773 01:04:20,276 --> 01:04:23,780 I had a love for my animals more than most people do.

774 01:04:28,118 --> 01:04:30,620 "Go away. We don't want anything to do with you.

775 01:04:30,704 --> 01:04:31,871 Just get out of our sight."

776 01:04:34,332 --> 01:04:38,461 I wanted just to walk away from it and leave the past in the past.

777 01:04:40,880 --> 01:04:42,132 Because I had it made.

778 01:04:43,883 --> 01:04:45,635 I had the job of a lifetime.

779 01:04:47,387 --> 01:04:49,556 At 50, it's hard to start over again.

780 01:04:52,475 --> 01:04:55,145 I studied Buddhism for about three years.

781 01:04:57,897 --> 01:05:00,358 It's been around a hell of a lot longer than God was ever around.

782 01:05:04,988 --> 01:05:07,949 I still chant to this day.

783 01:05:12,662 --> 01:05:15,790 So I got my beads out and my book out.

784 01:05:18,293 --> 01:05:19,753 You can wish it away...

785 01:05:22,422 --> 01:05:24,382 But you have to concentrate.

786 01:05:29,471 --> 01:05:31,598 I still want to do the farm life.

787 01:05:34,601 --> 01:05:36,227 That's going to be me again.

788 01:05:39,898 --> 01:05:43,651 Happy Horseman: The sex was just a small component of it.

789 01:05:43,735 --> 01:05:49,366 And by standing there talking to them, in a way you're kind of connecting to them,

790 01:05:49,449 --> 01:05:53,161 going... "I'm talking to you on the same level

791 01:05:54,245 --> 01:05:56,206 that you're kind of staring at me,

792 01:05:58,750 --> 01:06:00,502 mammal to mammal."

793 01:06:08,677 --> 01:06:13,348 Coyote: If I sat down and tried to talk to Mr. Hands' family,

794 01:06:16,559 --> 01:06:19,187 I'd find that rather difficult to do.

795 01:06:24,442 --> 01:06:27,737 I can't even fathom what kind of hurt

796 01:06:27,862 --> 01:06:30,031 that they're feeling over the whole thing.

797 01:06:42,293 --> 01:06:43,545 H: I do miss him.

798 01:06:50,010 --> 01:06:52,178 A lot.

799 01:06:58,518 --> 01:07:00,478 [ Music plays ]

800 01:07:17,203 --> 01:07:19,289 Jenny: We didn't want anybody showing up here

801 01:07:19,372 --> 01:07:23,918 who was part of that circle who would want to adopt him.

802 01:07:29,049 --> 01:07:32,010 So we made the decision to geld him that night.

803 01:07:32,135 --> 01:07:34,095 [ Music plays ]

804 01:08:46,793 --> 01:08:48,753 [ Music plays ]

805 01:08:49,421 --> 01:08:52,215 Jenny: I was trying to understand about this whole issue.

806 01:08:54,551 --> 01:08:56,469 So I started doing some research.

807 01:08:57,637 --> 01:09:03,393 In some of the things I read, I came across the term zoophilia,

808 01:09:03,518 --> 01:09:09,065 and I started kind of exploring that and, you know, doing a little bit more research about it.

809 01:09:09,190 --> 01:09:11,818 And it was really interesting to me...

810 01:09:11,943 --> 01:09:14,362 It was just interesting to me to learn that there are people

811 01:09:14,446 --> 01:09:22,245 who really have a love relationship for an animal not of their species.

812 01:09:24,622 --> 01:09:28,752 These people were talking about the extreme and loving care

813 01:09:28,877 --> 01:09:31,963 that they give their animal partner.

814 01:09:36,885 --> 01:09:40,680 I-I don't yet quite know how I feel about that.

815 01:09:48,146 --> 01:09:51,733 But I'm right at the edge of being able to understand it.

816 01:09:51,816 --> 01:09:53,818 [ Music plays ]

817 01:10:56,548 --> 01:10:58,508 [ Music plays ]

818 01:12:36,147 --> 01:12:38,149 [ Music plays ]